Monday, November 22, 2010


A time when we often think only of turkey, mashed potatoes, and pumpkin pie. But what is Thanksgiving actually? Well, obviously, a time to be thankful. Stop and think about all the blessings you have right now.
I hope that at the top of your list is: Jesus Christ saved my soul and washed away my sins!

Where would you be today if God hadn't moved in your life? If He hadn't caught you when you were approaching the edge of the cliff, where would you be today? Most likely at the bottom of the cliff emotionally, mentally, and even physically.

Thanksgiving isn't just a time to remember weary pilgrims landing ashore at Plymouth rock. It's about realizing that if God hadn't redirected that ship, they would have died at sea. It's the same with us, if God hadn't saved our souls with His precious Son's blood, we'd all be doomed.

God has blessed us in more ways than we can feasibly count. If you ever find yourself running out of things to say when you "count your blessings instead of sheep," you aren't thinking hard enough. Are you alive? Can you breath? Are your body's cells multiplying and dividing so that your physical self continues on this earth? The sheer fact that we are even in existence on a planet in an infinity of vacuum space is a miracle in and of itself! Study the sciences long enough and you'll soon discover the hundreds of thousands, if not millions of little miracles that take place on a daily basis.

Running a close second on my "Thankful List" is: God loves me. It's incomprehensible to me, but God loves me. The Creator God of the universe, massive and all powerful, cares for me. And He cares for you! He knows everything about me. He's always with me, everywhere, all the time, every day, every second. He knows me better than I know myself! (Yet knowing everything about me, He still loves me) The Bible says that each hair on my head is numbered... He's meticulous about knowing everything about His creation and is actively involved in my life!

As a child of God, saved by His grace, I will spend eternity in Heaven, glorifying my Savior for the rest of my days.... If that isn't on my "Thankful List" I don't know what is! I'm saved from Hell, and am guaranteed Forever in Heaven. One day I'll be able to just praise my God continually! There will be no pain, no death, no despair. Every tongue will sing praises the God and Father forever. Thank You, Lord God. Your love is amazing. Your grace is more than sufficient. Let today, and everyday, glorify Your name. I am so thankful.

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