Sunday, May 22, 2011

LOLCat Bible?

So we've seen a multitude of Bible translations appear on the horizon in the last few years.  Everything from The Message Paraphrase to Hawaiian Pidgin (Da Jesus Book).  But this latest "translation" is alarming.

We've seen LOLCats exclaiming "I haz a cookie!" and "icanhazcheezeburger." They're huge entertainment items in Japanese and South Korean pop culture, and are very popular with American tweens and teens...

But read these excerpts from the "LOLCat Bible"
John 3:16:"So liek teh Ceiling Kitteh lieks teh ppl lots and he sez 'Oh hai I givez u me only kitteh and ifs u beleeves him u wont evr diez no moar, kthxbai!'"
Galatians 2:20: "I died wif Jesus, but Jesus iz in me livin. I liv bai beleevin in Jesus, who liekded me an died for me."

Is this reaching a new generation? Or is it defacing the Gospel? Is it making fun of and destroying the holiness of God's Word? Or is it opening a door for young people who wouldn't have broken the pages of the Bible previously?  It's not truly the Scripture by any means... but does it peak an interest to look further into the actual Word? 

Initially I was very much put-off my this "paraphrase."  It struck of insulting the character of God.  But it occurred to me that if a teenager in Japan read this, they may be curious to know where is came from... they may look for the original as it were.  However, I still feel that this could be more erosive than useful.  Only time and apparent impact will tell.

Read more of the "LOLCat Bible" here.


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