Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Why Be A Missionary?

The following was a question posed by my end of summer assessment for my work with Georgia Summer Missions:  What would you tell a student thinking about ministering through Georgia Summer Missions? The following is part of my answers plus some thoughts on why we should be on mission.

What would you tell a student thinking about ministering through Georgia Summer Missions?  I would tell them many things... I would tell them to journal and take lots of pictures to help keep the memories.  I’d tell them to prepare for God to move in mighty and powerful ways, and to make themselves open to be used by Him.  I’d tell them they’re not going to have lots of free time, but they’ll realize that’s just the way they’ll like it.  I’d warn them that little children are going to steal their hearts, and if they’re not careful, you’ll want them to steal your heart.  I’d let them that they’re about to realize what life is really all about, and if they don’t want their views on that to be changed, they should stay home.  I’d let them that if they want to experience life to the fullest, they’ll get to their placement as fast as they can.  I’d also tell them to save their summer money so they can catch a plane down to visit them after a few months have gone by… I know that Lord willing, that’s what I’m planning to do.  And I would tell them one last thing:  “I’m so excited for you! Have fun!! This summer you’re going to have the time of your life.  You’re gonna change lives, while your own life is being changed.”

And all this made me think of something else... why do we go on mission anyway?  The well-known answer is, "The Great Commission!" -- Go therefore and make disciples of all nations!!  And yes, this is true... but why else?  The Call of God on our hearts, yes.. this also is crucial. Without it, we are working in the flesh--and this leads us nowhere.  But there is something even deeper than this that we can't see until we've actually been on mission and can see it for ourselves.  And maybe this is just me... perhaps this isn't for everyone... I know God creates us all for different purposes, so maybe what I'm about to say doesn't apply for all believers, but I think it does.  I think it applies to every single believer to a certain extent.  So, why should we go on mission?  Because that's what we were made to do.  As a Christian dedicated to following God, we are ingrained with an inner desire to be on constant mission.  It's in our fiber--our DNA.  The genetic make-up of a born-again Christian is almost certainly embroidered with a deep-rooted desire to fulfill that great commission.  I admit that before this summer, I did not see that needlework stitched onto my heart.  This absolute and permanent bonding with a desire to be on-call for God's glory wasn't clear to me.  Perhaps this is true for every Christian until they've seen and tasted it in person.  We can be so distracted with this world and being involved "in church" that we don't truly feel that tidal-wave pull of God's yearning for us to be more than just weekend warriors for Christ.  We know it mentally, but do we feel it spiritually?  Are our hearts so broken for the lost that we are willing to do whatever it takes to save them?   (Wow, sometimes the words that I write are so convicting to me...)

I know that I'm closer to "whatever it takes" status, but I feel the world's pull back to apathy.  It's so easy and comfortably to be an eye-witness of God moving, and not actually a tool for God to use in that moving. It's so much easier to return to the ebb-and-flow and monotonous schedule of life... Or is it really?  I'm realizing more and more that it's harder for my mind to go there, and Thank God! Because what is the point of life itself if we carry on with an existence of little or no impact?  I'm going to find it rather difficult to return to church as normal... for if we are the body of Christ, why aren't we moving?  I don't know if you've noticed.. but Christ has Risen! He's alive!! He's no longer dead in a tomb to be mourned over... He is active and in extreme motion.  So why isn't the church?  Why aren't we as believers, the body of Christ, also in an active - and not passive - motion?   If it is fear that holds us back, remember: the devil loves it when we live in fear.  It would be much to his advantage if the body of Christ remained dormant.  If it is confusion as to what to do that holds you down, keep in mind that satan is the author of confusion... so, do not be deceived.  If it is not wanting to be held lower in the eyes of others by our activity in the faith, then we need to ask ourselves: who am I wanting to please, God or man?  In this world, you cannot please both.  Galatians 1:10, For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ."  

It's worth pointing out that we often "try" to be used by God.  This summer I learned solidly that when we only "try" to do anything, we will only end up doing nothing! We either do, or we don't.  Try to drop a pen... just try.  It is impossible... either you drop it, or you don't.  You can let it slip between your fingers, but you still catch it if you only try to drop it.  It is stuck to your fingers.  The same is true with life: you still hold on to it. You can try to give your life over to God, but if you don't follow through and surrender total control of it over to Him, you have only succeeded in trying and not actually doing.  I confess to living most of my Christian life thus far in a trying frame of mind.  I would try to read the Bible daily, try to pray over every concern no matter how small, try to glorify God in all my actions, try to follow God's leading... just try.  Is it any wonder that I often failed?  It is a leap of faith to go from trying to doing.  It means giving up control of your own existence.  It means living by pure faith. Daily.  In everything.  No matter how big or small.  In life we have many unknowns.  I could write a book simply listing all the unknowns.  But praise the Lord that He has zero unknowns!  God is omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent -- big, fancy words for He knows everything, with all-controlling power, all the time & everywhere. There is nothing He does not know; that includes our future.

One last thing, what is a missionary?  Simply, a person who is sent.  Someone who lives to declare something they know is important.  This can be near or abroad.  At home, school, the workplace, or the far reaches of the earth.  There is no special degree you need, no fantastical skills.  Just a willing heart to follow God's call.  The only real requirement is a deep-rooted relationship with Jesus Christ--because without this we fail.

So why should we be missionaries? Could it be that deep down, there is nothing else we could do that will genuinely make us fill so fulfilled?  Once we are grounded in a solid relationship with Christ, we are called to "go."  Remember the Samaritan woman?  She received Jesus' living water, then immediately spread the news to her whole village.  The same is true today.



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