Wednesday, August 3, 2011


This summer has been amazing.  God has shown up in so many ways, and has moved in so many lives.  Miracles have happened, doors and hearts have been opened, and it's not stopping...

I feel like I've been able to experience a little slice of heaven this summer.  The missionary team I've lived and worked with for 7 weeks have been incredible.  I honestly am having difficulty knowing where to begin in describing how amazing this has been.   I guess the phrase, "All I can say is, 'wow'" really does apply... I'm almost overwhelmed at the goodness of it all.  Just sitting here, writing this, is flooding me with so many memories that give me unspeakable joy -- yet sadness as it comes to a close for me as summer ends.

The pastor and his wife that we've lived with this summer have not only spoken,  but also demonstrated their faith.  To see the "behind the scenes" of this ministry as we've lived life with them has been more than a blessing to me -- more than I could possibly say.  They're love for the people they serve in this ministry is beautiful, and they're devotion to them is such a God-thing.  I'm always going to remember the times of ministry, outreach, prayer, and Bible studies we've shared together.  They've taught me more than they know.

The two girls I served along side this summer have truly become my sisters.  I am blessed to know them.  I don't know if I really anticipated learning from my fellow student missionaries, but God knows I have! I've learned so much.  I feel as though I gained more from their friendship than they received from mine at times.  They are each such beautiful women of God, and I am so grateful that I know them.

There are so many families that I've met that I now know and love.  It's amazing how the body of Christ truly is an extension of your own family.  So many of the youth and kids have simply touched my heart and soul to the core.  I look into their eyes and see the potential for each and every single one of them.  I know how much God wants to use their lives, I pray that they open their own eyes to see that as well.  He has a great and awesome plan for them if they will only open themselves up to Him...

It's amazing... I knew none of these people two months ago... But now as I write this, their faces are popping up before my eyes and I'm praying for them all by name...

God has definitely shown me this summer that ministry is something I want to be richly involved with life-long. I wanted to see a church plant in action -- I have, and love it.  The work is so fulfilling!  As we were discussing just yesterday, the rewards from our efforts make it so worth while and satisfying.  Seeing "the lights come on" in the eyes of those hearing the Word, seeing the appreciation on those faces that were just given hope and another meal, hearing the laughter of kids as they play with new friends new games that point to a purpose... This is all the payment one needs.  I think if I had done anything else this summer I would have been miserable.  This is exactly where God wanted me to be.  Thank God I answered and obeyed that call.

My only sorrow stems from the fact that I will have to leave all this very soon.  Two days in fact.  Selfishly I desire to stay and see first-hand what else God does here!  I know great things are in store for this ministry and for these people.  Many new and exciting opportunities are opening for this body of believers, and I can't wait to see how it goes with them!

To everyone I served with, and to all the people I ministered to... Thank you.  Thank you for opening your lives to God and letting Him work in your life. Thank you for allowing me to enter your world this summer and make whatever impact I was able to make.  Thank you for accepting the love of Christ that we desired to share with each of you.  My prayer for you is that you will open your hearts even more to God's calling on your life.. surrender all to Him, because He alone is worthy of your life.  To God be the glory forever, amen.


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